Attention 5th Grade Students and Parents/Guardians: Because of the Covid-19, Middle school offers
have been delayed and will be available for families in early April. There has no official date set or released.
We will keep you updated as information is released by the NYCDOE.
Atención estudiantes de quinto grado y padres / tutores: Debido a Covid-19, las ofertas de la escuela
intermedia se han retrasado y estarán disponibles para las familias aprincipios de abril. No hay una fecha
oficial establecida o lanzada. Lo mantendremos informado a medida que NYCDOE divulgue la información.
Attention 5th Grade Students and Parents/Guardians: Because of the Covid-19, Middle school offers
have been delayed and will be available for families in early April. There has no official date set or released.
We will keep you updated as information is released by the NYCDOE.
Atención estudiantes de quinto grado y padres / tutores: Debido a Covid-19, las ofertas de la escuela
intermedia se han retrasado y estarán disponibles para las familias aprincipios de abril. No hay una fecha
oficial establecida o lanzada. Lo mantendremos informado a medida que NYCDOE divulgue la información.
Hello 5th grade and 8th grade Parents and Students:
High School and Middle School matches are scheduled to be released on March 20, 2020 after 3:00pm. Please log onto your Myschools account for information. Waitlists will be open March 23, 2020.
The Office of Student Enrollment will:
If you have any questions you can email at [email protected]
I will be answering emails M-F from 8:30 AM – 3:20 PM starting March 23, 2020.
**5th grade parents – I will not be answering emails about middle school placements until the week of March 30th. Please email me at that time.
Ms. Nankivel
Attention 5th Grade Students and Parents/Guardians:
Because of the Covid-19, Middle school offers have been delayed and will be available for families in early April. There has no official date set or released. We will keep you updated as information is released by the NYCDOE.
Atención estudiantes de quinto grado y padres / tutores:
Debido a Covid-19, las ofertas de la escuela intermedia se han retrasado y estarán disponibles para las familias a principios de abril. No hay una fecha oficial establecida o lanzada. Lo mantendremos informado a medida que NYCDOE divulgue la información.
High School and Middle School matches are scheduled to be released on March 20, 2020 after 3:00pm. Please log onto your Myschools account for information. Waitlists will be open March 23, 2020.
The Office of Student Enrollment will:
- Email families that they can log into MySchools (www.myschools.nyc) to view their child’s offer.
- Call families who do not have MySchools accounts to let them know that their printed offer letters are in the mail.
- Print and mail all students’ offer letters to each student’s home address by early April.
If you have any questions you can email at [email protected]
I will be answering emails M-F from 8:30 AM – 3:20 PM starting March 23, 2020.
**5th grade parents – I will not be answering emails about middle school placements until the week of March 30th. Please email me at that time.
Ms. Nankivel
Attention 5th Grade Students and Parents/Guardians:
Because of the Covid-19, Middle school offers have been delayed and will be available for families in early April. There has no official date set or released. We will keep you updated as information is released by the NYCDOE.
Atención estudiantes de quinto grado y padres / tutores:
Debido a Covid-19, las ofertas de la escuela intermedia se han retrasado y estarán disponibles para las familias a principios de abril. No hay una fecha oficial establecida o lanzada. Lo mantendremos informado a medida que NYCDOE divulgue la información.