October / November 2023 Newsletter
ELAGRADE 6 This unit we are reading the novel A Long Walk to Water with by Linda Sue Parks. We will work on building fluency, discussing vocabulary words and practicing making mental pictures of the text we have read. Students should be reading for at least 20 minutes per day as well as using iReady. In writing, we are working on answering short response questions and providing evidence from the text to support our thinking. By writing daily we will enhance our writing skills and build stamina. Students are expected to use complete sentences in all written responses, accurate use of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and grammar in all their writing assignments. GRADE 7 In ELA, we are reviewing Elements of fiction such as, plot, theme, setting, etc. In addition, we are learning and practicing short response and close reading protocols as we work toward becoming better readers and writers. Please encourage your child to read each day at home. They have access to borrowing books from the classroom libraries as well as making use of i-ready at home. GRADE 8 Students will be studying Active reading skills and looking at the components of fiction while reading the critically acclaimed novel The Hate U Give (801) or another class novel. They will develop short response paragraphs about the novel to refine their paragraph writing skills and prepare them for the Literary Response essay that will start in November. Additionally, students will be taking the I-Ready Diagnostic and developing Beginning of the Year Goals. |
Social StudiesGRADE 6 Throughout this unit we will be focusing on how geographical features affect development in the Eastern Hemisphere. The students will practice map skills as they participate in a geography themed project. We will later explore how archaeological records shape our understanding of prehistoric hominids and early humans. GRADE 7 Students began learning about the North American continent prior to colonization. They will focus on regions and the Native American Tribes that lived there They will be investigating the encounters that took place between the Europeans and the Natives as well as the positive and negative impact of these encounters. They will also determine the circumstances that enabled Europeans to conquer these existing civilizations. GRADE 8 In Social Studies in the months of October and November we will be covering the Units of Immigration and the Progressive Era. In the Immigration unit we will cover aspects of push-pull factors, salad bowl, melting pot, immigration patterns, and nativism. We will also introduce roles for class discussion, groups, and interaction. In our Progressive Era unit, we will connect past to present in the following areas: food contamination, housing conditions, women’s rights, and early civil rights. For current events and civics, we will complete a Modern-Day Muckraker Assignment dealing with current problems in our communities and society. Also, for current events and civics we will recognize Veteran’s Day accompanied by an assignment. |
MathematicsGRADE 6 In this unit the students further their understanding of fractions and decimals to solve word problems. We are hoping the students see how we use fractions and decimals in the real world -- at the grocery store, shopping online and in the kitchen while cooking. Talk to your child while you are cooking and measuring to help them understand fractions in real life. We will also begin learning about Rational Numbers and Exponents. They will explore integer and rational number values on the number line. Students will use the number line to order fractions, decimals, as well as interpret absolute value. We are excited about problem solving Fridays! The students learn to look at problems from a new perspective. We are helping them to develop critical thinking skills and creating a culture of taking more calculated risks GRADE 7 In math, students will be learning about integer relationships (negative and positive numbers and using a number line) along with operations with rational numbers, adding subtracting, multiplication, division of fractions and decimals. Every Friday is Problem solving Friday. During these periods, students will be given word problem strategies such as breaking down key information and drawing a picture, chart, or a diagram to help them organize their ideas and recognize how they can get the same solutions using different strategies. This will help them during the State Exam at the end of the year as they will be better equipped with the strategies they need to succeed. GRADE 8 Students of classes 801 and 802 (Algebra 1 Regents) will be learning about Linear Relationships and applications of these relationships in the real world. Students will investigate and learn about slope, y-intercept, how to interpret their meaning in a context, how to write and solve systems of equations. Students in classes 803, 891, and 916 will be learning how to classify numbers. They will extend their study of rational numbers to include those with integer exponents. They will solve real-world problems involving operations with numbers in scientific notation. |
ScienceGRADE 6 Throughout this unit students are learning how scientists can harness human energy to power the batteries needed for a rescue team to power their devices during outages or in places where electricity isn’t readily available. To do this, they will read articles about alternative energy inventions, use the amplify simulation to create different types of energy systems they would not otherwise be able to see, and conduct hands-on experiments to learn about different types of energy systems. They will also need to be able to explain how energy is transferred and converted throughout various systems. GRADE 7 During this unit we will work on how body systems work together to take molecules from the environment and get them, in usable form, to the cell. Students will be asked to help diagnose a teenage patient, who feels tired all the time. Using the amplify SIM, reading articles about various medical conditions, and participating in a classroom-sized model of the body, student learn that in a functioning body the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory system work together to get glucose, oxygen, and amino acids to the cell. As the unit progresses, students will learn more about what the cell does with molecules and they will explore the effects of activities in their own bodies and in the SIM. This will lead into cellular respiration and chemical reactions. GRADE 8 Students in the Earth Science Regents Class 801 and 802 will be studying the Shape of the Earth, Measuring the Earth and Rocks and Minerals. They will be using hands-on lab experiences to increase their understanding and meet their requirements of 1200 hours of labs time to sit for the regent. The labs covered throughout October and November are rate of change, density, finding your place on Earth using Latitude, Longitude and Polaris. Students in classes 803, 891, and 916 will be studying the geology on Mars. They will be given a situation (phenomena) and they will be asked to make claims and provide evidence to support the claims made. In order to achieve this, students will be investigating and analyzing data. |
Student of the Month 601- Zarique N. 602- Angel H. 603- Frangely L. S. 691- Ifeoluwa O. 914- Noel T. Exemplar Character 601- Yvette A.B. 602- Helen R. 603- Elianny P. M. 691- Alejandro A. 914-Brandon G. |
Student of the Month 701- Jessica B. 702- Mariela F. 703- Alan R. 704 - Justin B. 791- Noor A. 916- Jose R. Exemplar Character 701- Brandon F. 702- Nathaniel H. 703- Christian R. 704 - Gael D.G. 791- Noor A. 916- Kwaku B. |
Student of the Month 801- Solmarie C. 802- Arianna A. 803- Jariel A. 891- Jorge A.S. 916- Nadia C. Exemplar Character 801- Mia S. 802- Katelyn R. 803- Daniella A. 891- Rudolf A. 916- Tristan S. |
IMPORTANT DATESImportant Dates 10/13 Wear Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness 10/24 Wear red for Red Ribbon Week 10/31 Wear black to Black out Drugs 11/3 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (½ day for students) 11/8 -Election Day, no school for students 11/11 - Veterans Day (No school) 11/24-25 - Thanksgiving Recess (No school) |