PARENTS / CAREGIVERS: Please join the 95 Parent Page for Remote Learning
on Google Classroom. You must be logged into Google with your child's account, and you must type the code: uhip43i to join. This page will offer tips
and trick to assist parents in helping their children to navigate remote learning.
on Google Classroom. You must be logged into Google with your child's account, and you must type the code: uhip43i to join. This page will offer tips
and trick to assist parents in helping their children to navigate remote learning.
Remote Learning Expectations
The remote learning school schedule will be Monday through Friday. For our students in grades K-5 they will need to log onto Google Classroom at 8:30AM and follow their class schedule as it pertains to each school day. For our students in grade 6-8, they will need to log onto Google Classroom at 8:10AM and follow their class schedule for that school day. Teachers will be on Google Classroom to instruct, respond to student’s questions and provide real time feedback to our students within their contractual workday. For K-2 students when they are logged onto Google Classroom, I strongly ask that you or an adult sit next to them to assist them during the learning process.
Here are the expectations for you and your child during remote learning:
Here are the expectations for you and your child during remote learning:
- Your child is expected to follow their regular assigned class schedule for remote learning.
- Your child is expected to log onto Google Classroom every time his/her class is in session
- Your child is expected to complete all assignments and assessments by the due dates and times.
- Your child is expected to notify his/her teacher(s) with any concerns he/she may have via live chat and/or e-mails. child will receive an overall grade for each subject.
- Your child is expected to use appropriate language and manners when using the “live chat” on Google Classroom.
- Your Inappropriate language or comments will not be tolerated.
- You are expected to ensure your child log onto Google Classroom Monday through Friday except on holidays.
- You are expected to make sure that your child completes all assignments and assessments on time.
- You are expected to reach out to school administrators, parent/community coordinator, guidance counselor/social
worker, dean via e-mail with any concern you may have regarding your child. - You are expected to reach out to your child’s teacher or teachers at least once a week via e-mail to check on your child
progress. - You are expected to monitor your child’s activities online. If your child uses the school Chromebook to engage an
inappropriate activity online, the device will be disabled, however, they will still be expected to complete their daily log ins and assignments via another device.
Alert to Parents from PS/MS 95 Administration:
Parents be reminded if your child is caught posting inappropriate language and/or behaving rudely on Google Classroom, your child will be restricted from posting and may face disciplinary action by school administration. Google Classroom is a learning platform not a social 'hangout.'
Parents be reminded if your child is caught posting inappropriate language and/or behaving rudely on Google Classroom, your child will be restricted from posting and may face disciplinary action by school administration. Google Classroom is a learning platform not a social 'hangout.'
Chromebook Information
All Chromebooks borrowed from PS/MS 95:
- Require an internet connection to operate. If you do not have wifi, you can not use this device.
- Require a account to log in. If you do not have one, you can not use this device.
- Offer no right to privacy. All information and activity on the system may be monitored.
- Must be returned to PS/MS 95 when remote learning has been ended.
- Click here to review the user agreement signed by all parents/students that borrowed a Chromebook.